CoatingsTech 2025

The CoatingsTech 2025 conference, to be held in Pittsburgh (USA) from 28 to 30 April 2025, will showcase the latest scientific and technological developments in the coatings industry, with potential solutions for replacing bisphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates and PFAS. For additional information: 2025 CoatingsTech Conference — American Coatings Association

52nd Waterborne Symposium

The Waterborne Symposium will be held in New Orleans (USA), February 23-28, 2025. This congress is aimed at researchers and formulators in the field of coatings. The purpose of this event is to facilitate information sharing, particularly regarding alternatives to bisphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates and PFAS use.

Biobased Coatings Europe

Biobased Coatings Europe 2024 will bring together on 5-6 June 2024 in Valencia (Spain) key players in the biobased materials and coatings industries. The event will be an opportunity to discuss the latest innovations in the field of bio-based coatings that could replace coatings based on bisphenols, PFAS and alkylphenol ethoxylates.


The Waterborne Symposium will be held in New Orleans, February 4-9, 2024. This congress is aimed at researchers and formulators in the field of coatings. The purpose of this event is to facilitate information sharing, particularly regarding alternatives to bisphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates and PFAS use.


Eurocoat will bring together suppliers, producers and distributors of coatings (paints, varnishes, printing inks, glues and adhesives) and raw materials in Paris (France) from 26 to 28 March 2024 to discuss the latest innovations to replace bisphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates and PFAS.